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    Read more about The Discipline of Organizing: 4th Professional Edition

    The Discipline of Organizing: 4th Professional Edition

    (3 reviews)

    Robert J. Glushko

    Copyright Year:

    ISBN 13: 9780999797013

    Publisher: University of California, Berkeley

    Language: English

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    Learn more about reviews.

    Reviewed by Rebecca Kuske, Digital Archivist, University of Wisconsin-Stout on 7/31/24

    This text is comprehensive, and it would be a valuable foundational book for students in Library and Information Studies. Certain chapters, like Chapter 27: Organizing Resources, may also be useful for other professions and education programs.... read more

    Reviewed by Bobbie Long, Assistant Professor, Emporia State University on 10/18/21

    Glushko provides excellent foundational information for any organization of information class. Using this resource as a supplemental textbook or as a spine with newer, supplemental readings will provide students with both an overview of the topic... read more

    Reviewed by Kristine Woods, Instructor, Emporia State University on 5/14/21

    This text is comprehensive and the linked footnotes broaden its scope. Due to the reiterative manner the text introduces concepts, perhaps it would be good practice to only assign relevant sections to students for required reading. Students may... read more

    Table of Contents

    • I. Foundations for Organizing Systems
    • II. Design Decisions in Organizing Systems
    • III. Activities in Organizing Systems
    • IV. Resources in Organizing Systems
    • V. Resource Description and Metadata
    • VI. Describing Relationships and Structures
    • VII. Categorization: Describing Resource Classes and Types
    • VIII. Classification: Assigning Resources to Categories
    • IX. The Forms of Resource Descriptions
    • X. Interactions with Resources
    • XI. The Organizing System Roadmap
    • XII. Case Studies

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    About the Book

    We organize things, we organize information, we organize information about things, and we organize information about information. But even though “organizing” is a fundamental and ubiquitous challenge, when we compare these activities their contrasts are more apparent than their commonalities. We propose to unify many perspectives about organizing with the concept of an Organizing System, defined as an intentionally arranged collection of resources and the interactions they support. Every Organizing System involves a collection of resources, a choice of properties or principles used to describe and arrange resources, and ways of supporting interactions with resources. By comparing and contrasting how these activities take place in different contexts and domains, we can identify patterns of organizing. We can create a discipline of organizing in a disciplined way.

    The 4th edition builds a bridge between organizing and data science. It reframes descriptive statistics as organizing techniques, expands the treatment of classification to include computational methods, and incorporates many new examples of data-driven resource selection, organization, maintenance, and personalization. It introduces a new “data science” category of discipline-specific content, both in the chapter text and in endnotes, marked with [DS] in editions that contain endnotes.

    About the Contributors


    Bob Glushko is an Adjunct Full Professor at the University of California at Berkeley in the Cognitive Science Program, which he joined in 2017 after fifteen years at the School of Information.

    Before joining the Berkeley faculty in 2002, he had more than twenty years of R&D, consulting, and entrepreneurial experience in information systems and service design, content management, electronic publishing, Internet commerce, and human factors in computing systems. He founded or co-founded four companies, including Veo Systems in 1997, which pioneered the use of XML for electronic business before its 1999 acquisition by Commerce One. Veo's innovations included the Common Business Library (CBL), the first native XML vocabulary for business-to-business transactions, and the Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX), the first object-oriented XML schema language. From 1999-2002 he headed Commerce One's XML architecture and technical standards activities and was named an "Engineering Fellow" in 2000. In 2008 he co-founded and for several years served as a Director for Document Engineering Services, an international consortium of expert consultants in standards for electronic business.

    From 2005-2010 he was a member of the Board of Directors for OASIS, an international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of "open standards for the global information society," and and also served on the Board of Directors for the Open Data Foundation, dedicated to the adoption of global metadata standards for statistical data. He is the President of the Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation, which sponsors the annual Rumelhart Prize in Cognitive Science and the Glushko Dissertation Prizes for outstanding Cognitive Science Ph.Ds.

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